The endorsements for Initiative 1185 continue to roll in with the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce adding its voice in support. According to Lincoln Vander Veen, Public Affairs Manager for the Chamber, “The Bellevue Chamber voted last week to support I-1185 and has supported the two-thirds majority requirement since I-601 in 1993.”

I had the opportunity to address the Chamber’s policy committee on why it should support I-1185.

Several state newspapers have also gone on the record in support:

Last week the State Supreme Court heard arguments on whether a supermajority requirement for tax increases is constitutional. I was out of state last week but plan to watch the arguments as well as ones from the last legal challenge in 2008 to compare and contrast how the hearings unfolded.

In related news, the Tacoma News Tribune has this story today on Pierce County’s proposal to add a supermajority vote requirement to the County Charter:

Pierce County voters will decide next month whether to increase the number of ‘yes’ votes required for the County Council to approve new taxes.

Former state Rep. Gigi Talcott said the charter amendment, which would require a ‘supermajority’ of five votes on the seven-member council instead of the current four, is needed to control spending.

Ultimately state voters should be provided the same opportunity to decide whether to add the supermajority requirement to the state constitution. With voters and lawmakers repeatedly enacting the supermajority vote for taxes requirement over the past 20 years, what could be more representative of the public will than allowing a vote of the people on a constitutional amendment to help end this debate once and for all?

At least 100 lawmakers and candidates have gone on record in support of allowing the people to have this opportunity.


[Reprinted with permission from the Washington Policy Center blog]