With the threat of national defense sequestrations looming, Washington State officials are starting efforts to lobby the Pentagon on the next potential shoe to drop: Base realignments and closure. Yesterday the Office of Financial Management released a Request For Proposals (RFP) to:
“. . . solicit proposals from firms interested in participating on a project assessing the strengths and opportunities Washington State (State) has to offer the Department of Defense (DoD) as it implements its strategic plans. The analysis must also identify areas the State should strengthen in order to enhance its position for military mission retention and expansion, and continued and expanded defense spending and investment. Results of this analysis shall be consolidated into a comprehensive report, which will be used by policy makers as a tool for demonstrating how military mission retention and expansion and defense spending and investment in Washington State best serves DoD from both a national security and cost efficiency perspective, as it executes its strategic plans. This project is Phase I of a sustained effort by the State to promote military mission retention and expansion and increased defense contracting in the state. . .
Additionally, in response to budget restrictions, DoD is preparing for force structure reductions and has proposed new Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) rounds. Though additional BRAC rounds have yet to be authorized by Congress, and the specific impact of force structure reductions on Washington State have yet to be determined, it’s critical Washington State is in the strongest possible position to demonstrate to federal policy makers that maintaining and expanding military missions in Washington State promotes national security and is a wise, cost effective, fiscal investment.”
The proposed RFP notes that the funding available for this effort is $300,000. According to OFM, $250,000 of that is Near General Fund State money appropriated by the Legislature (note page 22 of 49, item 9). The rest is expected to be provided by local agencies that are partners to this effort.
Overseeing this project is the “Washington Military Alliance.”
According to the OFM RFP:
“…the Governor and the Washington State Congressional Delegation have established the Washington Military Alliance. The Alliance is co-convened by the Governor and entire Washington State Congressional Delegation and includes representation from state legislators, state agencies, local elected officials, regional community groups supporting local military installations, and organizations promoting economic development in Washington State. The Alliance will coordinate a unified message as military budget decisions are being considered and recommend actions which can be taken at the local, state and federal levels to enhance military mission retention and expansion and military contracting in Washington State.”
A search for details on the “Washington Military Alliance” on state websites provides few details. In fact, the only web based result is a mention of an August 24 meeting at the University of Washington Tacoma.
I’ve requested details from OFM and the Governor’s office on the Washington Military Alliance. I’ll post the information once received.
[Reprinted with permission from the Washington Policy Center blog; featured image credit: Washington National Guard *Official Site]
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