Are you a millennial? Are you troubled by the realities of Obamacare? If so, the Republicans in the U.S. House want to hear from you.
Oh, and they also want support for a bill known as the SIMPLE Fairness Act, a measure that would set aside the individual mandate penalty tax through the 2014 calendar year.
A video released Wednesday by House Republicans is one effort to start a direct dialogue with the millions of American young adults who may be confused, frustrated or simply grappling with the reality of Obamacare’s mandate. Younger people are encouraged to share their angst about the health care upheaval by visiting the GOP’s “Your Story” website, an ever-growing repository for tales of Obamacare-imposed hardship.
Using simple white-board animation, Republicans introduce young people to the new stalker in their life – a federal government that won’t take no for an answer when it comes to forcing them to buy something they might not want or need. Rough sketches and voice-over dialogue make the terms of Obamacare clear – either buy insurance for $300-400 a month or pay a minimum $95 tax.
Unfortunately, the video could be taken by some as a how-to instructional piece than a call to action. The reaction of many 18-25s to this video might be, “Is that true? I only have to pay $95 to make this go away and avoiding spending thousands of dollars a year more than I need to for health care? Done.”
Republican communicators will need to tinker with and improve ways of communicating with millennials on Obamacare, largely because they’re competing with a taxpayer-financed snake oil pitch that does the job of playing offense and defense for Democrats if no other source of information exists.
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