This morning’s GMAP (Government Management Accountability and Performance) meeting was a good example of why I love this process. The hands-on executive management takes government off auto-pilot and forces agencies to be reflective and responsive to the performance expectations of the Governor. My hope is that the next Governor will continue GMAP and not let this management tool fall by the wayside.

Here are some of the fireworks from today’s meeting. The first video is of the Governor asking L&I why it hasn’t gotten workers’ comp medical inflation under control:

(click here for video)

The second video is of the Governor asking OMWBE (Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises) why she shouldn’t terminate its contract with the Federal Department of Transportation at its (DOT) request for poor performance:

(click here for video)

Today’s GMAP reports will be available here once posted.

Additional Information

What is GMAP?


[Reprinted from the Washington Policy Center blog]