On the Tuesday’s news that Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) will be staying to fight for re-election in Ohio instead of moving cross-country to vie for a seat in Washington State, the chair of the Washington State Republican Party has released an open letter to express his regrets.
On Wednesday, WSRP Chair Kirby Wilbur issued a statement heavy in sarcasm on Kucinich’s decision:
“On behalf of the Republican Party here in Washington State, let me express our regrets and disappointment over Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s decision to stay in Ohio to run for re-election rather than move here. We were so looking forward to him coming here. His radical left-wing beliefs and general kookiness fit in so well with the mainstream of the Washington State Democrat Party, it would have been a match made in Heaven and an easy Republican victory.
“We plan on winning a lot of races next year (especially after what happened in New York’s 9th Congressional District yesterday), but having Congressman Kucinich here and defeating him would have been the icing on the cake. We hope he reconsiders.”
Kucinich’s tentative plan for a permanent road trip out to the Evergreen State were called off Tuesday when Ohio Republicans revealed their redistricting proposal, plans that would leave Kucinich’s district mostly intact.
[photo credit: eskimo_jo]
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