On Thursday, the House passed the “Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act” (H.R. 2587) by a vote of 238 to 186, a measure that was drafted in direct response to the National Labor Relations Board’s formal complaint that the Boeing Company’s decision to open a its second 787 Dreamliner production line in South Carolina amounted to retaliation against unions. The company has maintained that the lower cost of doing business in South Carolina (a right to work state) was their primary rationale.
Congressman Dave Reichert (R-Wash.) voted “yes” along with the entire Republican House delegation from Washington State. Congressman and candidate for governor Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) voted against the bill along with the rest of Washington State’s House Democrats.
Reichert’s office sent out the following statement immediately after the vote:
“The United States is at an economic crossroads, but Americans are still the most successful people in the world thanks to our entrepreneurial spirit,” said Reichert. “Time and time again, American businesses have proven that they can recover, grow, and hire if given the space to do so. Innovative businessmen and women, not federal bureaucrats, will create jobs and lead this country back to an era of prosperity. Government should help them in this task, not get in the way.
“It is not the role of the federal government to tell private businesses where they should or should not set up shop,” continued Reichert. “Allowing this kind of interference would not only be detrimental to individual businesses, but would set a dangerous precedent for all private ventures. Far-reaching government regulation has prolonged our economic downturn and cost American jobs. If the NLRB is allowed to interfere I fear businesses may begin avoiding our region altogether; believing that if they build and hire in Washington state, the federal government will never again allow them the flexibility they need to continuously adapt their operation. I cast my vote today hoping that H.R. 2587 will encourage regulators to loosen their grip and allow American businesses to do what they have always done – succeed.”
[photo courtesy of the Boeing Company]
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