For Washington state’s weary GOP, Thursday night happy hour just got a little happier courtesy of Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.).

It’s really just a case of one brain cell not knowing what the other is doing. While Murray’s DSCC staff has been cranking out fundraising letters using the Koch Brothers as a convenient enemy-of-the-moment, Murray has been stalking their company asking for donations.

In a letter sent to Murray on Thursday, Koch Industries president Philip Ellender expressed his extreme befuddlement. Only a short time after the Koch Brothers were used as a derogative in a DSCC mailer attack on Republicans, Koch Industries received a letter from Murray asking for a five-figure check to support DSCC political activities.


As if mixed-message mailings were not sufficient cause for confusion, Murray followed up the letter with a personal voicemail message (Koch has been kind enough to share the audio) inviting them to a posh private retreat, at which time they could run elbows with some of the other Democrat officials working hard to sully the company’s good reputation.

Really awkward.

For her role as chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, it might be unrealistic to expect Murray to be personally aware of each corporate contributor on the DSCC target list. But it does not seem extreme to hope that she might keep a set of crib notes about which Americans have been targeted in Democratic smear operations.
