The Washington Employment Security Department has released the email sent by a WorkSource employee who used government resources to organize support for Sen. Patty Murray’s campaign. In the email, WorkSource employee Sally Garcia asks veterans to contact Kerala Hise, either by telephone or at a address, to get involved in a ‘”walk and knock” to remind people to vote” for Murray’s re-election.
Garcia’s email also suggested that recipients “[t]ake a look at the attachments I”—Garcia—“have included.” Employment Security unequivocally stated that no attachments were sent with the message but that Garcia did send a file to recipients who responded with interest. The file contains three People for Patty Murray flyers (click to download the file), an advertisement for a get out the vote event, a bulleted list of Murray’s awards from veterans organizations, and a promotion for Murray’s campaign kickoff rally in Vancouver.
Last week, Employment Security spokeswoman Sheryl Hutchison confirmed that the email represented a breach of agency policies and suggested it might potential violations of state and federal law. Hutchison indicated at that time that disciplinary steps would be taken.
Attempts to call the phone number listed in the email for Hise were not answered and there was no opportunity to leave voicemail. The Murray campaign has not responded to repeated requests for comment about Hise’s role with the campaign and her involvement with the sending of the email.
A request for records of communications between Garcia and the Murray campaign, and between the Murray campaign and Employment Security, is still being researched.
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